
With over 9.000 square meters of exhibition area Netcomm Forum becomes the heart of the relationships with customers, prospects and business partners of the industry.
An event with an established and innovative format, which includes plenary sessions dedicated to market scenarios and business innovations, workshops on specific thematic areas and a large exhibition area.
Netcomm Forum is a unique opportunity for networking and aggregation for all the realities of the digital ecosystem.

Brand awareness
Do you want to present an innovative product that will change the digital processes of your customers? Do you have an exclusive tool to promote to an audience of potential customers? Are you interested in presenting your solutions and services at the most important E-commerce exhibition in Italy?
During the days of Netcomm Forum, Sponsors will be able to tell their services and tools, present new products and tell their success stories in dedicated moments, both in presence and online, in front of a highly profiled audience and the most important players in the world of innovation.
Each brand will be able to choose the best presentation mode according to its needs: a workshop, a promotional talk, a roundtable or a demo in the dedicated rooms or at the Open Area set up inside the Netcomm Forum Expo Area.

Lead generation
Netcomm Forum involves every year about 15.000 international companies, offers more than 100 moments of in-depth analysis and hosts more than 200 sponsor companies to discover data, trends, technologies and the most innovative success stories related to the digital evolution of retail. This year the event will be back in physical mode, with a digital extension that will amplify accessibility and fruition. A dedicated platform in the days before and after the event, with Merchants, Buyers, Business Partners, Agencies and Speakers present during the days of the event.
- You will be able to build your network of contacts, interact with them, make appointments and keep in touch with them.
- You can also manage an agenda of appointments to share with your network to schedule appointments based on availability. You can also save the profile of the people you meet to stay in touch with them even after the event.

Netcomm Forum is the appointment for the Italian companies that through digital create new perspectives for their business, getting in touch with the best Italian and foreign realities. A unique opportunity to reflect on the relationship with the customer and the market, but also to analyze the impact of digital on all business processes and assets.
The event is open to all those who want to deepen their knowledge of consumer behavior, types of relationships and business models enabled by digital, thanks to the interventions of prominent speakers and testimonials of successful companies presenting data, trends and case histories of the most interesting sector.

Learning and development
The spread of knowledge and digital skills is one of the key pillars for the development of the sector.
To this end Netcomm promotes, through autonomous initiatives or in collaboration with important institutions, training centers and companies, to spread the culture of digital with a wide calendar of thematic courses and masters.
- Netcomm Innovation Roundtable are the round tables organized by Netcomm to discuss the most innovative trends that are characterizing the world scene.
- Netcomm Academy is the training school of the consortium, focused on the themes of e-commerce and digital transformation.